Monday, September 7, 2015

Sugar Experiment - Week One

One week.  It feels like a lifetime.

One week of eliminating sugar and I can report that I did not feel headachy, I did not feel grumpy, although there were a couple of times I did get Hangry!

Mostly I found myself shutting down in the afternoons.  I even fell asleep at my keyboard more than once and I had fuzzy brain like you wouldn't believe and I slept most of Saturday away.  I just couldn't function as a human being so I didn't.

Now I'm not a person who even eats a lot of junk.  I'm gluten intolerant and that gift precludes me from most junk foods.  I will only eat them when I'm desperate to eat and then it is sparingly.

However I do have a bit of a sweet tooth.  My husband (bless him) has an equally sweet tooth and brings lollies home on a regular basis. (By the way, he is on notice of my future purchase of a shotgun if he so much as sprinkles a sugar cube in front of me!)

I managed to ween myself off most lolly brands, but when I discovered NZ Kettle Popcorn, it was game over....full scale addiction!
People said, well, its only popcorn so its the best of a bad set of sins.  However this popcorn was well full of sugar, as was that three o'clock cappuchino in the box, to which I would often add a tsp of sugar.

Do I feel like I am missing anything?  Apart from the couple of times I circled the kitchen craving sugar, I can report no.  In fact if anything I eat more.  More avocado, more coconut oil, more protein.  More more more.

I will admit to a couple of glasses of wine a couple of nights but hey!  Even the I quit sugar book mentions thats ok!  And I'm only human and when I'm networking, its almost mandatory!

But here is where the real sugar is.  We went to the supermarket in the weekend. Those lovely marinated chicken kebabs, you buy cos you like them, and they are so healthy - loaded with sugar!   Those lovely coffee sachets?  Yup..full of it. Yoghurt's, dips, some condiments, some cured meats.  Its just everywhere.

Today I woke up.  I have had a hugely productive morning, and even had 5 minutes to write this entry.   The fog is clearing.  I'm off to throw a pumpkin soup together!  Bring on clarity!!!

Saturday, August 29, 2015

You were born to shine

When you were born, you were perfect in every way.   You were not hopeless full of shame and self criticism. You were born with eyes of wonder, the determination to learn to crawl, walk, speak, have what you want.
You weren't born bad, or fat, or dumb or not good enough. When you were born, everyone rejoiced, had amazing hopes for you and unconditional love. All parents love their children at the moment.

Somewhere along the way, someone else's views, opinions, treatment of you, expectations caused you to start to question your innate beauty and light inside. Somewhere you began to ask yourself if the you that you knew yourself to be is real, and you began to think. You may have thought yourself quieter, dumber, fatter, less conspicuous, more self critical.

One thing you are, is a good thinker.....
So if you thought yourself that way, then I have one question for you. Because you think it, is it true?
Do you see the beauty in others? Do you forgive others for their own shortcomings? Are you unable to forgive because they did something you judge of being unworthy of your fabricated you?
Take one moment.  
Just sit quietly, and breathe in a huge big breath.
Breathe out pain, and stubbornness, self criticism and criticism of others.
Breath in again, Breathe in light, beauty, peace and silence. 
Breathe out lies, and opinions and voices in your head telling you that you are not good enough.

Now remember that child born in beauty. Is that the real you? Can you see your light yet? Let it shine, and celebrate others who dare to let their light shine.

Sugar Experiment

That Sugar Film

Its time to take up the journey again.  All my life, ever since I hit puberty, my body size, weight, shape, health condition has been an issue.  Its often been someone else's issue and I'm a rebel, so often  I won't play because it was their issue and I could live with it. (I inherited my mothers bitch streak)

So why am I banging on about weight?  Joisus woman its the most boring subject!

Well I'm not.  I'm banging on about health.  I don't feel healthy, and for the last few weeks I have been addressing this by hauling my heiny out of the scratcher at 5am three times a week and picking my sister up for the gym.

Shitty thyroids don't go hand in hand with rapid weight changes unless its upwards, so I don't make that the thing.

Last night I watched a movie. It was one I wanted to watch, and my bitch subconscious knew it was calling me, so I tried not to listen.

My sister finally convinced me to watch it.  The movie is "That Sugar Film" Now I know my denial is no longer acceptable.

Sugar is hidden everywhere.  I don't eat a lot of processed food, and the movie didn't tell me what I didn't know, but I have to own up to coffee (with sugar), gluten free bread (loaded with sugar), lollies (when hubby brings them home), wine (hey!  its good...nuff said) and not being fully aware and in control of bit and pieces.  There are other things, (Hell I just looked at my coconut water and its just been struck off my list of good foods!)

Today I decided to start an experiment.  I'm cutting sugar out of my diet.  That's the only change.  I will blog about it, I will vlog about it, I will measure and track it, read books about it, share what I learn, moan, bitch and share what it feels like and let you know what happens at the end of the month.

Anyone who knows me knows I'm diet averse, so be assured I still am.  I'm not averse to doing the best for my body. Now I'm a Nana, I need to be fit to keep up with the Grandys.

I'm sharing this, because its the last thing on God's green earth I want to do, and I think watching someone like me do it, might be as educational as watching a fit young healthy man.  Delete me know if you don't want to know.

I just crave silence

Ever felt like if you could just get out of the fish-bowl, and sit in silence everything would be ok?

Relax!  You are normal!  This is part of the human condition.  But here's the kicker.  The silence doesn't exist unless its inside you.  Without your participation, it won't happen, can't happen and doesn't happen.

True silence happens even in the midst of the loudest distractions.  How so?

Remember the last time you were on a lovely holiday, and you were able to put everything aside, enjoy the moment and everything calmed down?  Didn't it feel delicious!  No work worries, no one pulling you this way and that.  Just pure bliss.  Remember how you settled into yourself and all was well.   Oh man that was bliss! 

Hate to tell you this, but you have that capability all the time and you probably didn't know.  True sustainable silence comes from letting go.  Letting go comes from being aware, and being aware comes from taking 5-10 minutes out of your day to watch.

Watch what?  I hear you say.  What is this crap I am speaking?  Try this.  Sit for 10 minutes in your room if you have to.  Maybe do it before bed when everyone is settled and you are about to go to sleep.

  1. Take 3 very slow and deep breaths.  In through the mouth, and out through the nose.
  2. Now take another 3 very breaths.  This time, notice as you take in the air, how it feels in your lungs.  Notice what's happening with your body, and notice a feeling of light being drawn up into your lungs.  Just take your time and do this slowly.
  3. Bring your attention to your mind.  All those hundreds and thousands of thoughts, impressions, pictures coursing through your mind.  I call this the "Village in your head".  
  4. Become curious about these interruptions.  Don't judge them as good or bad, just watch.  Notice what happens
Keep this going for about 10 minutes, just watch and ask yourself, if I can watch these thoughts where do they come from?  What answers come to you? (hint:  they are also thoughts so notice them to.)

Love to hear what you thought.  Have a great day!